Why not you?

Have you decided that the dreams you once had are no longer for you? Does the marriage that is full of joy, love and passion between husband and wife seem to be something out of a fairytale that is unobtainable? Perhaps it’s the promotion that you deserve but are too afraid to apply for. Whatever “it” is, why do you think it isn’t for you? You must know that God has the best in mind for you and that is in every area of your life (2 Corinthians 1:20). 

The idea that you don’t need/want more for your life was probably planted by let downs in your past or even negative talk you’ve heard over and over. Who told you that you weren’t enough? Who told you that this is what life is and that it won’t get any better? I want to challenge you to believe bigger. Believe that the marriage can change, you can be successful in that position and business will take off. The key to seeing these things in your life is faith in God’s Word and speaking them over your life (Joshua 1:8-9). 

The favor of God that is on your life as a child of God provides opportunities that are unusual (Psalm 5:12). However, you must know what you want and have discernment to see that God has moved on your behalf and to walk through the door. The enemy would want you to believe that the Word of God is just a history book, but it is much more than that. It is the Word of God, and it is alive and sharper than any two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12). So, what you believe from the Word you will see in your life. Adversely, what you reject will not reach you as Jesus intended. 

So, I want to encourage you to have faith that the Promises of God are for you. They are not just for everyone else, but they are for you too. You believed for salvation and now it’s time to believe to see heaven on earth. Forget the negative talk, family history and even past mistakes. You are a new creature in Christ Jesus with a bright future and it’s time you possess it by faith (2 Cor. 5:17).

-With Sisterly Love,

Rebecca Cochran


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