
  • Why not you?

    Have you decided that the dreams you once had are no longer for you? Does the marriage that is full of joy, love and passion between husband and wife seem to be something out of a fairytale that is unobtainable? Perhaps it’s the promotion that you deserve but are too afraid to apply for. Whatever “it” is, why do you think it isn’t for you? You must know that God has the best in mind for you and that is in every area of your life (2 Corinthians 1:20). 

    The idea that you don’t need/want more for your life was probably planted by let downs in your past or even negative talk you’ve heard over and over. Who told you that you weren’t enough? Who told you that this is what life is and that it won’t get any better? I want to challenge you to believe bigger. Believe that the marriage can change, you can be successful in that position and business will take off. The key to seeing these things in your life is faith in God’s Word and speaking them over your life (Joshua 1:8-9). 

    The favor of God that is on your life as a child of God provides opportunities that are unusual (Psalm 5:12). However, you must know what you want and have discernment to see that God has moved on your behalf and to walk through the door. The enemy would want you to believe that the Word of God is just a history book, but it is much more than that. It is the Word of God, and it is alive and sharper than any two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12). So, what you believe from the Word you will see in your life. Adversely, what you reject will not reach you as Jesus intended. 

    So, I want to encourage you to have faith that the Promises of God are for you. They are not just for everyone else, but they are for you too. You believed for salvation and now it’s time to believe to see heaven on earth. Forget the negative talk, family history and even past mistakes. You are a new creature in Christ Jesus with a bright future and it’s time you possess it by faith (2 Cor. 5:17).

    -With Sisterly Love,

    Rebecca Cochran

  • Don’t Count Me Out!

    Too often I find that we look to other people for validation and approval. But what happens when that approval doesn’t come? What happens if you never receive the validation that you so greatly desire? Does that mean that you are not worthy or less than? Absolutely not (Psalm 139:14)! 

    Joseph wanted acknowledgment and perhaps approval about his dream. However, he never received it and in fact, he was sold into slavery. Did the fact that he was sold into slavery negate the fact that he was called to save a nation? No, it actually was part of the fire that refined and qualified him. 

    David was tending sheep and overlooked by his father and his brothers. Yet, he was a King. Tending sheep and delivering lunch but called to lead a Nation. Esther was without her mother and father but she was chosen by God to be a Queen and deliver her people. 

    So even though you may have been discounted, overlooked and perhaps told you’ll never amount to anything, God has the final say. Nothing you have experienced is a surprise to God. He qualified you before they rejected and denied you. Whoever counted you out, couldn’t count! You are called, you are chosen, and you are a Royal Priesthood (1 Peter 2:9). Believe it! 

    -With Sisterly Love,

    Rebecca Cochran

  • Break Free

    When you believe that you don’t have what you need to live a successful life, you won’t. Often times we can play the blame game and point the finger at all the people, situations and circumstances that led us to be in a place that is less than what we would have imagined. You may be justified in being upset with how things went in your life but what matters now is what you do with it. God’s plans are bigger than what you’ve been through.

    Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

    Blaming others will only leave you to believe that you are a victim and that you are powerless to change your life for the better. May I submit to you that if you desire to live the full life God has in mind for you that you have to make a decision? The decision to accept, grieve and bury what isn’t serving you. We aren’t burying in order to dig up when things go wrong but instead to heal and move forward. Healing is a decision! I can tell you all day that things will get better but unless you decide that things are getting better, nothing will improve. 

    Changing your mindset in this season is necessary for where God is taking you. You may not have gotten everything you thought you should’ve in your upbringing, but you can break the cycle and give what you didn’t get. You are not in a place where you can’t make a change or a decision. You have power over your life and with Jesus Christ on your side there is nothing you cannot do. Make the decision to move forward and take your voice back. Take your power back and let God be Glorified in your story.

    Mark 9:23 – Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

    -With sisterly love,


  • Why Lemonade Faith?

    God gave me this concept as I was taking a look at my own life one day. I was thinking about the things I’ve experienced and people who walked away that I thought would always be there. In that moment God reminded me that even though those things happened, I still have what it takes to make a good life (Lemonade). Often, when we have been through what seems like hell on earth we may feel as though we don’t have what it takes to make it or that we are not enough. However, the opposite is true. The hard things that you’ve been through have given you a testimony and an “oil” that would not have been there had you not experienced those hard things. Now, please know that God does not cause all the hard things to happen, we live in a fallen world. What God does is take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it for your good (Rom. 8:28).

    So, I want to encourage you that God is saying the same to you. That your life may not look exactly how you planned but with God on your side, you can make something out of “nothing” (Phil.4:13). I know at times it may seem as though others may have the unfair advantage, but I assure you, everyone has had their own battles to face. You are not damaged goods; you are who God says you are, and you can do what God says you can do.

    My dear sister in Christ, be encouraged that you have all the ingredients to make “lemonade”. Circumstances may have had you looking and feeling like a victim. However, I assure you that in Christ Jesus you have the victory (Rom.8:37)! I assure you that all of the pieces that make up your life and who you are to some degree, is enough for God to create a masterpiece. 

    You don’t have to settle for a less than life. You don’t have to allow your circumstances to dictate your future. Jesus has paid the price for you to have an abundant life and legacy (John 10:10). Give your pieces to the Lord and trust the process as He shows you how to make “Lemonade”. 

  • Something new on the horizon

    Have you ever been in a situation where you wished you could go back to “the way it was”? I know I have, and I think we all can say that now especially after the pandemic. The thing about wanting to go back is that we miss the opportunities in front of us. 

    It’s easy to get caught up in the “good ole days” mentality when it’s all you’ve known.   However, there are times and seasons for everything under the sun (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8). Could you imagine wearing your winter coat in the middle of summer when it is 98 degrees? Or taking a walk in shorts and a tank top with snow falling down around you?  No, you wouldn’t do those things because it wouldn’t be appropriate for the season and in an extreme situation you could cause yourself harm. 

    Yes, we can honor and remember the past for what it gave us, but when the season changes, so should we. Change can be difficult, and I think we all know someone who has struggled with pivoting to the new in life. I don’t want that to be you. Lots wife in Genesis couldn’t fathom a better place to live, a better day and couldn’t let go of what was so she ended up being left behind (19:15-26).

    What God is doing in this season will require a new version of you. You must be able to take the lessons of the past for what they were and allow yourself to upgrade to where God is calling you to be. If you have been struggling with stepping into new season, know that you are not alone, and that God can see you through. You don’t have to start with all the answers, you just believe God and go. 

    God has graced you for the season He has called you to. So, believe that the God that gave you grace in the last season, is the same God that will grace you in the next. 

    Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” -Isaiah 43:19

    -Rebecca Cochran

  • Sis, Let Them Talk

    The longer you live on this earth you will have an opportunity to be offended. Unfortunately, the world that we live in is full of division at every level. However, it is important to know that those who go out of their way to harm, speak evil of, cause division and plot and scheme against others will not get away with their tactics. The Bible tells us that God hates workers of iniquity (Psalm 5:4,5). 

    We will always have an opportunity to want to repay those who plot against us but it so important to remember that God will repay. Our fight is a spiritual one that means we war in the spirit through prayer, everything else should be left in Gods hands (Ephesians 6:12). Let those who want to talk about you, talk. You don’t have to try and defend yourself for God will defend you. It is important that you as a daughter of God keep your heart pure so that you may be pleasing to God. 

    The walk of faith that you are walking is one of principal. After Sunday morning service is over and you go back into the world we live in, we live by the Word of God. That life requires us to be governed by what the Kingdom of God says is right. Those around you may not understand it, but at the end of the day, you have to answer for the life you lead. 

    Remember that God is on your side, and you will win. The fight has been fixed, and you must determine within yourself that you will not become like those who have done evil against you but rather to be like Christ. 

    “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

    ‭‭Romans‬ ‭12‬:‭2‬ ‭KJV‬‬

    Stay encouraged and know I am rooting for you! -Rebecca

  • Are those Jellybeans?

    As Valentines Day quickly approaches, I can’t help but think of the angst or even dread that I used to have for the day. It seemed like everywhere I turned there was talk of the day that celebrated “love”. I felt like these were constant reminders of what I desperately wanted but had yet to obtain. During the year of 2017 I took time for myself to heal and grow and in 2018 I had resolved within myself that perhaps God was calling me to the single life. After dating and not finding a true match, I decided to step back and focus on the other things I wanted in life. I was working a decent job and was praying for a new home. 

    Then one day I received a message from a familiar face from social media asking to take me on a date. By this time, it was almost March, and I knew this person wasn’t interested in just having a date for Valentines Day. So, I prayed, and God gave me the green light to go on this date. Even though we had been friends on social media, we didn’t know each other. We lived in different cities, and I didn’t have anyone to ask to verify this person wasn’t a catfish (Lol). 

    The night before our scheduled date, I stood in the mirror getting ready for work the next day. I remember being unsure of what would come of this date, but I was sure that I wanted someone who made me feel “seen” and heard. In a moment of being determined to have a husband who understood me, I said “I want my husband to buy me black jellybeans”. I know most don’t care for them, but they happen to be my favorite. So, I said that and went on getting ready for work the next day. 

    The night of date had arrived, and I was unsure of what to expect. We decided to meet at the restaurant since this was our first date and didn’t know how things would go. I was familiar with the restaurant and the area so that gave me comfort along with the original confirmation from God. As I walked in, I saw my date standing there waiting for me. We greeted each other and he took me back to our seat that he had already taken there. When I got seated and situated, he handed me a gift bag and smiled. I opened the gift bag and found two bags of Black Jellybeans!!! When I saw the black jellybeans, I froze! I looked at him and looked back at the bag. I was thinking I can’t tell him what I said the night before about my future husband buying me black jellybeans!!! Then I finally came back to my body (lol) and thanked him for the gift and our night continued. God will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4) We laughed and talked and after a couple of hours he walked me to my car and said goodnight. 

    That man is now my husband of over 6 years and we have two children and one on the way. I am saying this to say, that God is interested in the “little things” in your heart that you desire. You don’t have to go into Valentines Day with dread or thinking love will never happen for you. Go to God in prayer, write down some things that you desire in a spouse and leave it in God’s hands. You are loved by the Almighty God who is a Good Father and He has the best in mind for you. Wait on Him and I promise you it will be worth the wait (Psalm 27:14). 

    -With Love


  • Hello Ladies!

    Welcome to my new blog site! I am so excited to begin this new journey with you. I hope to inspire and encourage you in your walk with Jesus by sharing my story and giving you a glimpse of my life. I believe that no matter what you have been through or how many missteps you may have had, that you still have what it takes to make a beautiful life (lemonade). Everything you need to make “lemonade” is already in you, but you must believe that you can. So, I pray that you get the strength and courage you need to look up and move forward with “lemonade faith”.