God gave me this concept as I was taking a look at my own life one day. I was thinking about the things I’ve experienced and people who walked away that I thought would always be there. In that moment God reminded me that even though those things happened, I still have what it takes to make a good life (Lemonade). Often, when we have been through what seems like hell on earth we may feel as though we don’t have what it takes to make it or that we are not enough. However, the opposite is true. The hard things that you’ve been through have given you a testimony and an “oil” that would not have been there had you not experienced those hard things. Now, please know that God does not cause all the hard things to happen, we live in a fallen world. What God does is take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it for your good (Rom. 8:28).
So, I want to encourage you that God is saying the same to you. That your life may not look exactly how you planned but with God on your side, you can make something out of “nothing” (Phil.4:13). I know at times it may seem as though others may have the unfair advantage, but I assure you, everyone has had their own battles to face. You are not damaged goods; you are who God says you are, and you can do what God says you can do.
My dear sister in Christ, be encouraged that you have all the ingredients to make “lemonade”. Circumstances may have had you looking and feeling like a victim. However, I assure you that in Christ Jesus you have the victory (Rom.8:37)! I assure you that all of the pieces that make up your life and who you are to some degree, is enough for God to create a masterpiece.
You don’t have to settle for a less than life. You don’t have to allow your circumstances to dictate your future. Jesus has paid the price for you to have an abundant life and legacy (John 10:10). Give your pieces to the Lord and trust the process as He shows you how to make “Lemonade”.
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